"Atum" is a musical allegory that delves deep into the profound teachings of the School of Heliopolis, focusing on the enigmatic figure of the Egyptian God of creation Atum. Comprising two captivating movements, "Atum" serves as a vivid depiction of the cosmic duality inherent within humanity. The first movement, "Dawn of Awakening," embraces a poignant Atonal-Modal atmosphere, stirring emotions and evoking a sense of introspection and self-discovery. As the melodies unfold, a touching narrative of rebirth and enlightenment unfolds, inviting listeners to embark on a transformative journey. Transitioning seamlessly into the second movement, "House of Life," the eternal chaos of existence converges to illuminate the harmony within the soul. Through a symphony of sounds, this piece encapsulates the eternal struggle between chaotic darkness and light, weaving a tapestry of profound wisdom and introspection.